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12 Days of Christmas Cards, Christmas Trees


Paint 4 beautiful Christmas trees this year tied together with retro lights. This Ink and Watercolor Wash is incredibly easy. I even give you the ink drawing in a printable so no drawing is needed!

Christmas card trees
Paint a beautiful Christmas tree this year for your Christmas cards!



Strathmore 105-210 Watercolor Cards, Full Size Cold Press, 50 Cards & Envelopes

Pigment List

All paints I use are M. Graham transparent watercolors. Other brands I highly recommend are Daniel Smith and Schminke.

  • Cadmium Yellow

  • Nickel Azo Yellow

  • Pyrrol Red

  • Cobalt Blue

  • Cobalt Teal

  • Viridian

  • Quinacridone Rust

DIY Christmas Cards

Fun Stuff!

Noodler's Black Waterproof Fountain Pen Ink - Bulletproof,3 ounce
Christmas Tree PenBalsam Gold Fountain Pen from Latitude Pens

Free Christmas Card Tree printable Click to get printable of Christmas Trees Card!

Christmas Card Painting Steps

Before you paint on pen and ink, always make certain your waterproof ink is dry, otherwise it will bleed muddy black into everything! Give it one day to dry, minimum.
Christmas Card Trees

I start by painting the Balsam Fir and the White Fir in a mix of Viridian and Nickel Azo Yellow. I add a touch of Quinacridone Rust for some shadows.

Christmas Card Trees 2

The Blue Spruce has to be blue! I add Cobalt Blue to Viridian. Then for the Silver Tip, I add the chalky Cobalt Teal.

Christmas Card Trees 3

A tiny touch of Cobalt Teal for shadows on snow.

Christmas Card Trees 4

I paint Pyrrol Red very heavily. You could use Cadmium Red as well, just whatever you have on your palette. You need a rich, opaque red.

Christmas Card Trees 5

When you add yellow lights, do the same thing and make certain you yellow is opaque. If you don't have an opaque red or yellow, you can add a touch of white gouache to the color.

Christmas Card Trees

Final card, ready to send!

I hoe this Christmas card inspires you to paint gorgeous Christmas cards of your own this year.

Merry Christmas and have a very Happy Holiday Season!

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Paint beautiful Christmas trees tied together with retro lights this year for your Christmas cards. Free pdf included!