Original Watercolor Painting on Paper
14" x 20"
Private Collection
Collection of the Artist
Our last day in Maine, we usually try to cram everything we did in Acadia in a few weeks into a single day. It's a frantic race to see everything just one more time, since we'll miss it so much before we see our beloved Acadia again.
The frenzy usually ends on the Schoodic, on a rocky beach. There's one more sketch to do, of course, but there's no rush anymore. We've seen all we could see and now it's time for a last afternoon picnic and sketch.
I do have the burning question of whether to sketch the rocks, the distant scenic views, or the tide lapping on the round rock beach. That changes every time I see it, because the light is always a little different.
Last time, I painted the tide and round rocks rolling on the beach. But as I was finishing my sketch and it was time to say goodbye, the light changed again. The tree lit up like a spotlight was on it, and the dark purple shadows glowed. Beautiful.