Painting Demonstration 1
First, I sketch out the painting. I've increased the contrast in the photo. Think a quarter as dark pencil lines. You need to keep pencil lines very light with portraits, especially children's.
Painting Demonstration 2
Keep to the shadows on the face, molding the values of the face. Everywhere else, leave whites but go crazy with color! I let this dry completely.
Painting Demonstration 3
Keep to the shadows on the face, molding the values of the face.
Everywhere else, leave whites but go crazy with color!
I let this dry completely.
Painting Demonstration 4
The iris color goes in and it's becoming a portrait. Don't paint them too flat, irises vary. Just keep molding the face with values. Leave plenty of white. I let this dry completely.
Painting Demonstration 5
Darken the intense shadows and add a few details. Use reds for the reflections under the nose, the eyebrows, chin. Careful with the mouth. He has an intense little trouble making smirk - but it's subtle. Don't overemphasize the mouth. I let this dry completely.