Back in Acadia...
I did a fair amount of sketching. This is my first warmup sketch of Seal Cove. Seal Cove is a perfect place to have a picnic and spend the afternoon. I could see Edwin playing in the water and tidal pools but enjoy my sketching!

A nice warm day, perfect for wading.

He's discovered seaweed. The pants were holding too much water...

What a happy boy!

My two guys.

So relaxing...

Working lobster boats next to gorgeous sailboats.

This odd dusk flat light is very difficult to paint. Purples and bright yellow ochres of the seaweed. Tinges of blue. Hard rocks with glistening reflections. Soft seaweed with bold contrasting stripes. The rapidly incoming tide and the constantly changing grayed light add more complications. Oh, what a great challenge!
I think that sketchbooks are a wonderful way to stretch myself as an artist. It doesn't matter how it turns out, it only matters that I learned something as an artist. I really enjoy trying new subjects, difficult subjects. On a trip, I have no intention of any finished paintings resulting - just sketches to learn and remember a wonderful time!

Ghostly sails nearing sunset.