Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial
Watercolor Painting Tutorial

by Jennifer Branch
Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Watercolor Painting tutorial

Painting Tutorial Level


Skill Building


Strong Darks

Glazing Washes

Art Supplies

Cheap Joes Pointed Round Nylon, no.38


M. Graham watercolors

Azo Yellow
Quinacridone Red
Quinacridone Gold
Pthalo Green
Pthalo Blue
Cobalt Blue
Burnt Sienna

Painting Demonstration 1

Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Watercolor Painting Lesson 1

First, I sketch out the painting. Keep it loose. Too much detail will spoil this painting but your perspective should be dead accurate.

Painting Demonstration 2

Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Watercolor Painting Lesson 2

I begin in the left distance since that'll be a blur. It helps me gauge how dark to paint under the columns

Painting Demonstration 3

Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Painting Tutorial 3

I rough in shadow areas, keeping the colors connecting and interesting.

Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial watercolor painting tutorial by Jennifer Branch

Painting Demonstration 4

Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Painting Tutorial 4

The angle I'm working at.

Painting Demonstration 5

Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Painting Tutorial 5

Painting Demonstration 6

Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Watercolor Painting Tutorial 6

A few details, pulling in paint from the shadows and down into the water.

Painting Demonstration 7

Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Watercolor Painting Tutorial 7

I add a few more details, some of which will need to be blurred later to avoid distraction.

Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Watercolor Painting demonstration

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Along the Grand Canal II Tutorial Final Watercolor Painting!

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