Painting Demonstration 1

Start by dashing some ago yellow around the paper. Have fun, let your brush dance.
Next, start bringing in some darker cobalt blue mixed with quinacridone rust to contrast.
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Painting Demonstration 2

Now I'm layering on my darks. I want them to merge into each other and have areas where the blue or the rust wins. So I roughly mix on my palette, but the real mixing is happening on the paper.
Painting Demonstration 3

Now you're seeing areas of cooler and warmer backgrounds.
Artist Tips
Really have some fun painting loosely on this sketch!
Painting Demonstration 4

I love starting to add the mid darks. The bright light yellows of the flowers really start to show up.
Painting Demonstration 5

Layering on different tones of yellows.
Painting Demonstration 6

Some really rich brown darks make the yellows so intense.
Adding the bright greens makes everything start to take shape.

Final Watercolor Sketch!
If you are stuck at home, use this time to do something you find joy in. I hope it's painting!

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