Painting Demonstration 1

First, I sketch out the painting. Masking out areas allows me to work without worrying about reserving areas.
Painting Demonstration 2

My objective in this layer is to paint the sky. I continue the sky wash into the building shadow because I want them to connect - not leave the buildings look like cutouts against the sky.
I paint some aureolin around some of the lighter areas to give a golden glow.
I let this dry completely.
Painting Demonstration 3

I paint some of the deeper reds, letting aureolin and quinacridone gold bleed into the sunlit areas.
I keep everything very loose, letting the buildings merge, but also leaving plenty of white paper showing.
I darken the middle building shadow with ultramarine blue and burnt sienna to emphasize the flag colors.

Painting Demonstration 4

I deepen all the shadows, keeping in mind that light is coming from the sky horizon as well as the lamp lit buildings. I add bright green shutters to contrast with the red and pinks of the buildings.
Painting Demonstration 5

After removing the masking, I darken all the shadows again.
Painting Demonstration 6

I add details, painting golden lamplight in the windows, brightly color flags, a distant fire escape.
I just dash in the people, giving them a sense of movement. Always connect the people with something in the background, especially the ground and their cast shadows. Never paint detailed people in a crowded street scene - they'll detract from the bustling feel of a crowd.
The details are still a little harsh, so next...
I wait for everything to dry completely...
Then I scrub out some of the details and colors with clean water and a rag (not a paper towel), leaving paler memories of what was there - New Orleans at Dusk!

New Orleans Dusk Final Watercolor Painting!