12 Days of Christmas Cards, Christmas Door
Paint a beautifully decorated Christmas card door for someone you love this Christmas!
Paint a beautiful Christmas door for someone you love!
Strathmore 105-210 Watercolor Cards, Full Size Cold Press, 50 Cards & Envelopes
Pigment List
All paints I use are M. Graham transparent watercolors. Other brands I highly recommend are Daniel Smith and Schminke.
- Azo Yellow
- Nickel Azo Yellow
- Pyrrol Red
- Quinacridone Red
- Cobalt Violet
- Viridian
- Quinacridone Rust

Fun Stuff!
Noodler's Black Waterproof Fountain Pen Ink - Bulletproof,3 ounce
Red, White and Blue Fountain Pen from Latitude Pens
Click to get free Christmas Card pdf!
Christmas Card Painting Steps

Start with some bright, cheerful pyrrol red and quinacridone red for the ribbons running around the door..

Use nickel azo yellow with quinacridone rust for a touch of bright brass accents on the door.

Viridian Green with Quinacridone Rust to darken and dull it makes the perfect green for the garland. Vary the greens a bit for more interest and depth.

I use cobalt violet dulled with nickel azo yellow for a few shadows, adding depth to the door frame.
This is a good stopping point if you like.

Finally I paint the door itself in a deep, muted red.

Final card, ready to send!
I hoe this Christmas card inspires you to paint gorgeous Christmas cards of your own this year. I can't wait to see what you paint!
Merry Christmas and have a very Happy Holiday Season!