12 Days of Christmas Cards, Retro Lights
Retro lights are fun and easy to paint!
This card should only take a few minutes to paint!
Retro lights are fun and easy to paint!
This card should only take a few minutes to paint!
5" x 7" Strathmore Watercolor Cards
Pigment List
All paints I use are M. Graham transparent watercolors, except white gouache. Other brands I recommend are Daniel Smith and Schminke.
Fun Stuff!
Pen and Ink
Dip Pen Holder
Dip Pen Nib, Hunt Drawing Nib #99
Zig Cartoonist Highly Opaque Pen Ink, Black
Christmas Card Painting Steps
1. Paint the bright colored lights. If you're a beginner, let them dry at this stage - it'll be easier!
2. Paint the cords with pthalo green dulled with burnt sienna or maroon perylene. Let it dry.
3. Next have some fun splattering paint and water to loosen up the painting! Let it dry completely.
4. Scribble some with pen and ink. Don't outline everything, just a bit.
5. Play with some gold embossing powder. You can use a hairdryer to dry it from underneath.
Have fun with this one!
Merry Christmas and a Joyful Holiday to All!
Jennifer Branch
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