Painting Demonstration 1
![Charleston Palm Tree Watercolor Painting Lesson 1](
I start out by painting the midtones and shadows in a warm azo yellow. I've reserved some whites with wax crayon, but I'll reserve a few yellows after they've dried as well. I want this to be a very loose painting so I'm not using masking to reserve whites. I can always paint them back with gouache!
![Charleston Palm Tree Watercolor Reference Photo](
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Painting Demonstration 2
![Charleston Palm Tree Watercolor Painting Lesson 2](
Bleeding in quinacridone gold gives a lovely warm glow to the underpainting. I do a few touches of warm on the cooler palm tree trunk, but mostly the warmth is in the leaves. I paint the sky very loosely in ultramarine blue, cobalt blue and a few hints of cobalt teal.
Painting Demonstration 3
![Charleston Palm Tree Painting Tutorial 3](
I start really piling on the darks here! Lots of rich (but not too heavy) ultramarine blue. Some burnt sienna warms up the shadows. Don't forget to negative paint!
Artist Tips
If an object looks layered, paint in multiple layers, drying between washes.![Charleston Palm Tree watercolor painting tutorial by Jennifer Branch](
Painting Demonstration 4
![Charleston Palm Tree Painting Tutorial 4](
A few greens (pthalo green mixed with azo yellow) to brighten everything up! I'm pulling out some details with burnt sienna.
Painting Demonstration 5
![Charleston Palm Tree Painting Tutorial 5](
Some very strong darks start making the palm tree more 3 dimensional. The alternating bands of light and darks in the leaves feel like layers of palm fronds. Just a few dark dashes make all the difference in an object's shape.
Painting Demonstration 6
![Charleston Palm Tree Watercolor Painting Tutorial 6](
I've been wanting to paint the trunk. It's surprisingly cool with a few warm glows. It's difficult not to turn it into green. Of course the solution is layers!
Painting Demonstration 7
![Charleston Palm Tree Watercolor Painting Tutorial 7](
When the painting was almost finished, the sky just seemed too dull. I wanted a cool sky, but not that cool! It's not an overcast day, it's a warm sunny spring day in Charleston!
A simple solution was a very pale pthalo blue and cobalt teal wash over the sky. Keeping this very pale makes it easier to paint well. Don't forget to paint over the shadows but preserve the highlights.
A pale wash is always a useful solution for making a painting feel like you want it to!
![Charleston Palm Tree Watercolor Painting demonstration](
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Charleston Palm Tree Final Watercolor Painting!